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The Safe and Prosperous Futures Project, SPF 50, is the third and final phase of a multi-year project led by TreePeople entitled Cooler and Healthier: Reducing Heat-Health Risk Using Urban Forestry & Stakeholder Engagement. The overall project aim is to address heat exposure by 1) developing a model analysis and processes to assess heatrelated mortality and morbidity, 2) creating strategies to address heat effects by canopy increase and albedo changes in the built environment, and 3) conducting stakeholder engagement to develop culturally relevant climate adaptation responses. Earlier phases of the project resulted in the publications RX for Hot Cities 2 (TreePeople, 2023a), and Cooler and Healthier (TreePeople, 2023b).

Project activities, consisting of individual interviews, a group workshop, and community outreach events, were centered around actively listening to community perspectives and facilitating opportunities for resident-driven dialogue. This report includes an overview of the process, resident-identified priorities and opportunities, and a locally adapted climate resilience resource guide that was built in response to participant requests. The recommendations section includes lessons learned and offers broadly applicable guidance for developing locally appropriate climate resilience strategies on the community level.

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Life Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences

SPF 50: Safe and Prosperous Futures Preparing for the Mid-century Climate Reality
