Date of Award

Fall 2013

Access Restriction

Campus Access only Research Projects

Degree Name

Master of Science


Systems Engineering

School or College

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Frederick Brown


Although the kingdom of Saudi Arabia has most recently drawn media and global attention for the escalation terrorism and Hajj incidents, very little attention is paid to the increasing frequency of natural disaster affecting the country. Unfortunately, despite the increase in the number of these natural disasters, the government remains slow to react. This project provides a comprehensive and conclusive discussion on the negative impacts of poor response to these calamities. While the government is concerned with climate change and its role in increasing the frequency of natural disasters, it is important to pay attention to other disasters including human-inclined dangers and technological risks. Each of these calamities has had an adverse effect on the lives of all the people living or visiting the kingdom. There has been a proposition for establishing a government agency in order to improve disaster response. It has further been noted that this agency could coordinate between different government departments to implement crisis and rapid management as well as disaster readiness training programs for each and every sector of the nation. The agency would also work to offer support in case of emergency. Though the success of a program cannot be founded on the use of systems engineering, the project recognizes its significance towards attaining success. In a nut- shell, the project compels the Saudi government to think widely so as to prepare for and respond to the occurrence of disasters.
