Date of Award

Spring 2009

Access Restriction

Campus Access only Research Projects

Degree Name

Master of Science


Systems Engineering

School or College

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Bohdan W. Oppenheim


Lean Thinking is a method of work organization that promotes the creation of value and elimination of waste. United States Department of Defense (DoD) acquisition organizations currently struggle with many non-Lean processes that inhibit cost-effective, on-time completion of projects. The author hypothesized that by applying Lean Thinking to Satellite Control and Network Systems Group (SCNG) processes, a dedicated project team would enhance unit productivity and reduce costs related to the Livelink file sharing database system. To do this, SCNG members formed a Lean project team, pursued Lean Thinking training, and applied Lean to Livelink processes. This resulted in improvements of 100% - 500% for file manipulation and data sharing processes, which saved the Government up to $8,960 per week. The project also demonstrated that Lean Thinking can successfully be applied to the acquisition program office environment.
