Date of Completion


Degree Type

Honors Thesis


Computer Science (CMSI)

First Advisor

Dr. Demian Willette

Second Advisor

Tyler Edmiston


The Ascot App is a research tool for acquiring and analyzing data. The app comprises of both mobile and web platforms, each serving a unique purpose. The mobile side allows users to input data through the app’s form, which is uploaded to a database for further processing and analysis. The web app, which is still under development as of April of 2024, allows users to manage their research project and download data in the form of a parsed CSV. These components ensure a seamless process for research teams to record data with persistence and security while allowing for analysis.

Ascot App was originally created for Dr. Demian Willette, Associate Professor of Biology at LMU, who was having trouble obtaining data on his plot of 500+ plants in Los Angeles. He required an easy solution for taking data and transmitting it to his home computer where he could analyze it using a CSV. While the Ascot App was initially created for Dr. Willette’s research, we hope the end users will include all types of research teams, especially those in the Life Sciences Department, who regularly need to collect and analyze large amounts of data.
