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Moschella's thesis is that "gamete donation is inherently wrong insofar as it involves acting in a way that is highly likely to result in the acquisition of a non-transferable obligation to another person, without being willing to fulfill that obligation should it arise" (423). © 2021 The National Catholic Bioethics Center 829 Philosophy and Theology Some people think of gamete donation as a morally neutral act or even a praiseworthy act, like blood donation. In examining the ethics of gamete donation, Moschella looks to the nature of the relationship between children and parents, as compared with the relationship between biological offspring and gamete donors. Despite these quibbles with her argument, Moschella provides an innovative and powerful way of critiquing gamete donation that does not depend upon the probable consequences of gamete donation.

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Permission has been granted by The National Catholic Bioethics Center to supply this article for educational and research purposes. More info can be found about The National Catholic Bioethics Center at

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