An Introduction to the Special Issue: Consultation to Increase Educational Access and Improve Conditions for LGBTQ Youth

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This article is the introduction for a theme issue of Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation entitled “Consultation to Increase Educational Access and Improve Conditions for LGBTQ Youth.” First, we discuss the need for consultation to support LGBTQ youth, the current state of consultation research related to LGBTQ youth, and the unique considerations and challenges for conducting research related to LGBTQ youth. Next, we introduce the articles in this special issue. Finally, we address notable gaps and future directions while encouraging researchers and journal editors to embrace the messiness associated with this type of research.


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Original Publication Citation

Fisher, E. S., & Huchting K. (Eds.) (2019). Special issue: Consultation to increase educational access and improve conditions for LGBTQ youth. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation.
