Date of Award

Spring May 2012

Access Restriction

Campus Access only Research Projects

Degree Name

Master of Arts


Marital and Family Therapy

School or College

College of Communication and Fine Arts

First Advisor

Debra Linesch


This research project explores the work done by professionals who work with street children in Mumbai, India, and their perceptions of how art therapy could benefit this population. Ten organizations that serve street children in Mumbai, India participated in a qualitative interview and survey that aimed to gather information and explore the specific needs, psychological issues, and services provided to street children in Mumbai, India. The link between the surveys and the interviews strongly suggest an interest and desire from professionals to learn more about art therapy, and in corporate this modality into the services they provide for this population. The research found that the basic needs of food, shelter, and medical health are a foremost priority for organizations that serve street children, before psychological issues can be addressed. The literature, interviews, and the surveys also make it manifest that the development and incorporation of art therapy should be culturally specific, and sensitive to the needs of that population. Further research and study with these organizations is needed to garner a deeper understanding of how art therapy assessment and treatment modalities can be adapted to best serve street children in Mumbai, India.
