Date of Completion


Degree Type

Honors Thesis


Mechanical Engineering (MECH)

First Advisor

Daniel Larson


Highpower rockets are extremely sensitive systems that require precise planning, testing, and analysis in order to yield accurate results. Under the guidance of project advisor, Dan Larson, a highpower rocket was designed and built to reach an apogee of 3000 feet. Additionally, means of dual deployment was used in order to aid in the safe descent and recovery of the rocket. In order to meet this expectation, two parachutes were used in conjunction with black powder ejection charges. Compliance with the safety standards of NAR and NFPA was met for the ejection system used in dual deployment. To ensure that the rocket would perform safely and successfully, various analytical methods were utilized. These methods included, but were not limited to, computational analysis, simulations, experimental testing, and failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA). As a result of these design and testing processes, the rocket achieved an apogee of 2769 feet with successful dual deployment on the first launch and an apogee of 2778 feet without successful dual deployment on the second launch.
