Date of Completion


Degree Type

Honors Thesis - Campus Access


Accounting (ACCT)

First Advisor

Timothy Haight


The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) periodically invites the public to comment on Board proposals as part of the due process of standard setting in the US. In August 2016, FASB invited the public to consult board members on accounting issues that FASB was considering to admit to their standard setting agenda. Previous invitations to comment pertained to accounting issues subsequent to their admission to the agenda, so we know little about the determinants of agenda admission and how financial reporting stakeholders prioritize standard setting issues. Using a sample of comment letters responding to FASB’s August 2016 agenda consultation document, this research examines whether a respondent’s demographic characteristics (e.g., investors, creditors, financial analysts, financial statement preparers and auditors) affects how they prioritize proposed agenda items and whether prioritization reflects self-interest or a neutral concern for the public interest. In addition, this research analyzes agenda admission outcomes and examines the extent to which respondent demographics, prioritizations, and their interactions, affect the likelihood that a proposed item gets admitted to FASB’s agenda.
