

Background: The ideal way of life is a question perused upon by many thinkers. Western philosophy as well as Indian philosophy has dwelled on this. A common thread can be seen running through philosophical schools of stoicism and yoga. Evidence can be seen in both schools of philosophy to prove this similarity. The concepts of stoicism like the dual powers leading to creation, concept of eudemonia, restraint of sense organs and control of desire find their equivalent concepts in yoga texts. It can be thus, concluded that stoicism can be seen intertwined in yoga philosophy.

Aim of the philosophical study:

This article tries to bring this comparison of yoga philosophy and stoicism to the fore. Also, the article aims to establish how these two schools of philosophy foster mental health.


Stoic calmness and self-restraint are qualities that promote mental balance and equipoise. The yoga equivalent of stoic principles like self-control, dispassion, and equanimity lead to the development of mental well-being.
