Volume 48, Number 4 (2015)
Fixing Hollingsworth: Standing in Initiative Cases
Karl Manheim, John S. Caragozian, and Donald Warner
Remodeling Federal Medical Malpractice Act: A Possible Improvement to the Affordable Care Act
Nancy Kubasek and Tiffany Durham
Principles of Contract Law Applied to Entertainment and Sports Contracts: A Model for Balancing the Rights of the Industry with Protecting the Interests of Minors
John H. Shannon and Richard J. Hunter Jr.
Notes and Comments
A Hole in the Plastic Bag: Identifying and Closing the Loophole in the California Environmental Quality Act
Scott Menger
California Bank & Trust v. Lawlor: A More Certain Future for California's Sham Guarantee Defense
Brett D. Young
Al Bahlul v. United States: The Conspiracy Behind the Conspiracy Offense in U.S. Military Commissions
Brianna Edwards
Dear Yahoo: A Comment on In Re Yahoo Mail Litigation
Nareen Melkonian