Document Type

Article - post-print

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This research takes a new look at individuals' attitudes and intentions towards losing weight. Study 1 examines the relationship among those interested in losing weight and individual self-evaluative ambivalence on attitude towards trying to achieve a weight loss goal and the intentions to achieve the weight loss goal. For Study 2, a between-subjects experimental design, where attitudinal ambivalence and prior outcome feedback were manipulated and self-efficacy was measured, is conducted to examine attitude towards eating healthier and intention to change eating behaviours. Findings across the two studies show that attitudinal ambivalence about the self and the individual's abilities and motivation to change the health behaviour produces a negative relationship between health-related attitudes and intentions. We provide implications of how self-efficacy and the provision of outcome feedback can alleviate the negative effect and improve the individuals' intentions to try to achieve a weight loss goal.

Original Publication Citation

Bui, M., Droms, C. M., & Craciun, G. (2014). The impact of attitudinal ambivalence on weight loss decisions: Consequences and mitigating factors. Journal Of Consumer Behaviour, 13(4), 303-315. doi:10.1002/cb.1475

Publisher Statement

This is an author-manuscript of an article accepted for publication in Journal Of Consumer Behaviour following peer review. The version of record is available online at: 10.1002/cb.1475.

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