Date of Award

Spring April 2017

Access Restriction

Campus Access only Research Projects

Degree Name

Master of Science


Systems Engineering

School or College

Seaver College of Science and Engineering


The goal of this project is to address the KSA's water shortage by implementing an improved water treatment system across the country. This system, known as the KSA Water Treatment Program (KWTP), is a system of water use that is driven by integrated technology, empirical data, and optimized efficiency. In short, the KWTP is a multi-phase effort that uses new technologies to collect relevant data, and strategically utilizes that data to build and maintain an advanced system of water treatment plants and related infrastructure. The KWTP will strategically place water treatment plants, sustainable energy generators, and associated system infrastructure throughout the KSA in order to reach high quality, cost-efficient, and sustainable outcomes.

MohammedAldamer_Systems_Presentation_2017.pdf (23811 kB)
Oral Presentation
