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The global catch of octopus and squid shows annual variability and demand is likely to increase for both locally-supplied and imported products. However, the vulnerability of seafood resources is now well known, the reliability of fisheries catch data is still unclear, management of cephalopod stocks is mostly rudimentary, and there is uncertainty and concern about their sustainability among fisheries managers, the fishing industry, retailers, researchers and consumers. Here, a new project is presented which aims to address and resolve ways to enhance the effectiveness of seafood sustainability in general, with the aid of a freely accessible identification and traceability tool linked to sophisticated databases, and using artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain technology, to provide an easy and reliable way to trace seafood using octopus as a model. The project is a contribution to UN Sustainable Development Goals 2, 9, 14, and 17.

Original Publication Citation

Gleadall I, Sauer WHH, Moustahfid H, Ames CL, Willette DA. (2022) Sustainable seafood using octopus as a model. Ocean Monthly.

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Biology Commons
