
Publication Date

March 2023

This project analyzes the impacts green gentrification in Brooklyn by evaluating the spatial coincidence between gentrification rates and urban greening from 2010 to 2020. Assets formed under the NYC Green Infrastructure Program were chosen as a proxy for urban greening to represent urban greening within the 21st-century climate change resilience paradigm of development. Methods: This is a mixed method approach to a natural experiment. First, five indexes measuring variations of economic and demographic conditions related to gentrification were applied to Brooklyn for comparative analysis: NOAA’s Social Vulnerability Indicators of Gentrification Pressure, The NYC Heat Vulnerability Index, The Small Area Index of Gentrification, Typologies of Gentrification and Displacement, and The Housing Risk Chart. Then, for each index, a point-in-polygon count vector analysis was conducted using GIS software to determine the prevalence of green infrastructure assets within the varying gentrification categories. Then, using the method of dialectical materialism, close readings of theoretical, governmental, and corporate literature were used to examine the forces driving development practices during that time. Results: Gentrification varies per spatial unit with each index application, owing to varying index factors. However, the highest socioeconomic, gentrification, and ecological risk hot spots, regardless of index used, tend to be in northern Brooklyn, close to the border of Queens, while cold spots tend to be located in southern Brooklyn. Despite variability in gentrification hot and cold spots, every hot spot was highly associated with green stormwater infrastructure installed through the Green Infrastructure Program, while cold spots largely had few assets installed in their boundaries. A review of the quantitative results against the reviewed literature indicate that NYC’s “green” planning and policies are related to ongoing green gentrification trends in the US.


