Con-spirando: A Latin American women's collective working in the areas of eco/feminist theology, ethics and spirituality
Con-spirando’s Mission Statement: “To empower us as women from Latin America and the Caribbean to be autonomous persons as well as to promote relationships of reciprocity and respect for ourselves and our environment.” Strategic Plan, 2002.
Origins and Vision: Con-spirando began as a collective of women who shared a joint interest in feminist and eco-feminist spirituality and theology. It was this common thread that brought us together in Santiago, Chile in early 1991. From these times together, a core group of women emerged here in Chile and we began to create links with like-minded women and women’s groups throughout Latin America. We did this mainly through the publication of our journal, Con-spirando: Revista latinoamericana de ecofeminismo, espiritualidad y teología and through holding annual “summer schools” on ecofeminist spirituality and ethics for Latin American activist women “doing theology” who needed a “time apart” to ask the questions we needed to ask—and to search for answers together.
The core team now has 20 years of experience working with women at the grassroots level. Some of us have long years of experience working with our churches in programs dealing with women. All of us are active in Chile’s feminist movement. Some of us work in academic settings doing research and teaching gender studies.
Since our beginnings, Con-spirando has worked to open new spaces where women can dig deeply into our own life experiences without fear—spaces where we can experience new ways of being in community, where we can celebrate our lives more authentically and creatively; where we can recognize the diversity of our roots, where we can create instances of debate about our ethical practices; where we can engage in the theological task of exploring and celebrating the Holy without reductionism or universalisms.
Nº 1: Convocando nuestra red de ecofeminismo, espiritualidad y teología
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Conveying Our Network of Ecofeminism, Spirituality and Theology
Nº 2: Re-tejiendo las huellas de nuestros mestizajes
Translation: Re-Weaving the Traces of Our Mestizajes
Nº 3: La teología feminista en Asia: Transformando una pirámide en un arcoiris
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Feminist Theology in Asia: Transforming a Pyramid into a Rainbow
Nº 4: Ecofeminismo: Reciclando nuestras energías de cambio
Translation: Ecofeminism: Recycling Our Energies of Change
Nº 6: Haciendo Memoria: Raíces Indígenas
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Making Memory: Indigenous Roots
Nº10: La muerte…de la vida el otro lado
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: The Death... Life of the Other Side
Nº18: ¿Cambiar el mundo?: Nudos y desplazamientos
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Change the World
Nº19: Por sus símbolos los reconoceréis
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: You will Recognize them by their Symbols
Nº20: Autonomías y pertenencias: ¿Dónde ponemos los límites?
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Autonomies and Belongings: Where Do We Set the Limits?
Nº21: Desde la memoria sumergida: Artistas, místicas, viajeras…
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: From the Submerged Memory: Artists, Mystics, Travelers
Nº22: Un tal Jesús…¿Uds.¿ quién dicen que soy?
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: A Certain Jesus ... You who say that I am?
Nº23: Ecofeminismo: hallazgos, preguntas, provocaciones
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Ecofeminism: Findings, Questions, Provocations
Nº24: Trabajo: sentidos y sin-sentidos
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Work: Senses and Nonsense
Nº25: Derechos Humanos: ¿Qué derechos? ¿derechos de quiénes?
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Human Rights: What Rights? Rights of Who?
Nº26: (Trans) formación y cambio cultural
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: (Trans) Formation and Cultural Change
Nº28: Mujer adulta: Entrelazando ciclos
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Adult Woman: Interlacing Cycles
Nº31: Vida religiosa: Un llamado a la liminidad
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Religious Life: A Call to the Limitation
Nº34: Rituales: creaciones y poderes
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Rituals: Creations and Powers
Nº 36: Arquetipos: Dadoras, amantes, guerreras y sabias
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Archetypes: Dadoras, Lovers, Warriors and Wise
Nº38: Más allá de la violencia cultural y religiosa
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Beyond the Cultural and Religious Violence
Nº41: Re-visitando los ciclos: Jóvenes
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Re-visiting the Cycles: Young People
Nº42: “Re-visitando” los ciclos: Historias de mujeres
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: "Re-visiting" the Cycles: Stories of Women
Nº44: Sentidos de vida: ¿dónde ponemos nuestra seguridad?
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Senses of Life: Where Do We Place our Security?
Nº45: Vírgenes y diosas de América Latina: La resignificación de lo sagrado
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Virgins and Goddesses of Latin America: The Resignification of the Sacred
Nº47: Otras realidades: misticismo chamanismo y locura
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Other Realities: Mysticism Shamanism and Madness
Nº49: María Magdalena Levantando la sospecha
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: María Magdalena: Raising Suspicion
Nº50: Comunidades sustentables: Un sueño posible
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Sustainable Communities: A Possible Dream
Nº51: Nuestras Memorias Pistas de Sanación y Empoderamiento
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Our Memories: Healing and Empowerment Tracks
Nº55: ¿Por qué nos enfermamos? ¿Cómo nos sanamos?
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Why Do We Get Sick? How Do We Heal?
Nº57: Tejiendo sentidos Revisando nuestros ejes…
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Weaving Senses, Checking Our Axes ..
Nº58: Liderazgos Creativos Para la incidencia política
Colectivo Con-spirando
Translation: Creative Leadership for Political Advocacy