Reanimating Frankenstein

Reanimating Frankenstein


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Celebrating the bicentennial of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818), students from Loyola Marymount University’s “HNRS 2300: Literary Analysis” were tasked with generating digital projects that bring to life various aspects of the novel and form the body of Reanimating Frankenstein. Take a deep dive into the water imagery in Frankenstein, or enjoy short films on how the physiognomy of the monster has been represented in film from Thomas Edison’s 1910 short to Kenneth Branagh’s 1994 adaptation, or on how Frankenstein and Blade Runner compare in terms of their conceptions of the posthuman. How does costume and dress determine how we read the creature in James Whale’s 1931 film versus Liam Scarlett’s 2017 ballet? We hope you enjoy these experiments!

Publication Date

Fall 2017

Reanimating Frankenstein
