Volume 11, Number 2 (1991)
Freedom of Expression in the Soviet Media
John Quigley
Television and the Law in the Soviet Union
Michael J. Bazyler and Eugene Sadovoy
The Changing Face of British Broadcasting
Michael W. Turner
Agents and Managers: California's Split Personality
Bruce C. Fishelman Esq.
Notes and Comments
A Look into Glasnost's Impact on the Soviet Art World
Julie S. Berkowitz
Current and Suggested Business Practices for the Licensing of Digital Samples
Whitney C. Broussard
Have Courts Intruded on First Amendment Guarantees in Their Zeal to Ensure That Crime Does Not Pay?
Jason S. Pomerantz
News Gathering, Intangible Property Rights and 900-Line Telephone Services: One Court Makes a Bad Connection
G. Alexander Piccionelli
Pinning Opinion to the First Amendment Mat
Wun-ee Chelsea Chen
Skyywalker Records, Inc. v. Navarro: Enough Already To the Obscene Results of Miller v. California
Heather C. Beatty
Good Sports, Bad Sports: The District Court Abandons College Athletes in Ross v. Creighton University
Edmund J. Sherman
Andy Rooney Gets the Laugh, but Rubs Rain-X the Wrong Way
Kimberly Adams Dietsch