Volume 2, Number 1 (1982)
Evolution to Extinction - The Professional Corporation after Tefra
Steven R. Hirschtick and Sally A. Estes
Some Lesser Known Provisions of the WGA 1981 Theatrical and Television Minimum Basic Agreement
Naomi Gurian
Practical Advice Concerning the Business and Legal Aspects of Videotaping Live Musical Performances
Richard E. Posell
Legal and Statistical Analysis of the National Football League Player Draft: Chicago, New York, Detroit, It's All the Same Pick
Ethan Lock and J. Michael Gratz
Violence in Professional Sports: Is it Time for Criminal Penalties?
Richard B. Perelman
The Service Mark Alternative to the Right of Publicity: Estate of Presley v. Russen
Patrick J. Heneghan and Herbert D. Wamsley
Notes and Comments
At-Risk Revisited: A Re-Examination of the Impact of the Tax Reform Act of 1976 on the Motion Picture Industry
W. Dennis Allred