Volume 9, Number 2 (1989)
Artist/Management Agreements and the English Music Trilogy: Another British Invasion?
Michael I. Yanover and Harvey G. Kotler
One Technological Step forward and Two Legal Steps Back: Digitalization and Television Newspictures as Evidence and as Libel
Don E. Tomlinson
Notes and Comments
Is the Debtor Left Standing when the Music Stops: Assumption and Rejection of Executory Recording Contracts by Insolvent Musicians
Cherise M. Wolas
Equal Time Equals Unequal Treatment to Newscaster Candidates
Karen Sue Naylor
The Child Protection Act: A Blanket Prohibition Smothering Constitutionally Protected Expression
Sharilyn E. Christiansen
Warning All Authors - Your Style May Infringe Your Own Work: Authors Can Benefit through Less Copyright Protection
Thomas M. Sipos
Who has the Last Laugh - A Look at Defamation in Humor
Cary Dee Glasberg
Raiders: $72 Million, City of Oakland: 0...Was That the Final Gun - A Story of Intrigue, Suspense and Questionable Reasoning
Leon F. Mead II
The Beck Decision: Will it Divide Entertainment Unions
Brian E. Cooper