“Night Text,” “28 There was her method of swooning . . .,” “29 But there was another subject . . .,” “Woman Chained to Fire,” “Leaves,” “Grille,” “4—as, after Odysseus, her body wanted to be Ophelia,” “7 Because identity had gone . . .,” “31 –Mystery Box,” and “Girl Standing with Death by the Sea”

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Creative Work

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“Night Text,” “28 There was her method of swooning . . .,” “29 But there was another subject . . .,” “Woman Chained to Fire,” “Leaves,” “Grille,” “4—as, after Odysseus, her body wanted to be Ophelia,” “7 Because identity had gone . . .,” “31 –Mystery Box,” “Girl Standing with Death by the Sea,” Angle of Reflection, Arctos Press, Sausalito, CA 2017

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