Date of Award

Spring 2022

Access Restriction

Campus Access only Theses

Degree Name

Master of Arts



School or College

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

First Advisor

Nancy Pineda-Madrid


This thesis intends to define Christian hope in the context of the author’s grappling with disenchantment in his own spiritual journey during the COVID-19 pandemic. This thesis will first analyze conceptions of Christian hope put forth by Augustine and Hans Urs Von Balthasar. It will then compare them by analyzing the personal and communal dimensions of hope. The analysis of the two theologians will rely on historical surveys of hope from their respective time periods as well as examinations of their own periods of disenchantment. This thesis will identify hope as harmonizing for both individuals and humankind writ large to God; this harmony has soteriological implications for the next life after this one for individual Christians, the larger Christian community, and the world at large.
