Date of Award


Access Restriction

Campus Access only Theses

Degree Name

Master of Arts


Counseling Psychology

School or College

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts


The academic outcomes of Asian American students can be interpreted as retention and achievement in the university setting. The present study examined the correlates of these academic outcomes among Asian American undergraduates at a small private university. Retention was measured at three time periods: After the freshman year, sophomore year and junior year at the university. Two sets of analyses on retention were performed at those three time periods. One set included achievement based variables and the second set excluded achievement based variables. Achievement was examined at two time periods, after the first semester of the freshman term and after the junior or senior year, depending on when students first enrolled. Over the three years, age, cumulative college GPA, high school GPA, a prior residency in Hawaii, a major in liberal arts, comfort with other racial groups, and a Japanese ethnicity were all found to. influence retention. A major in science and engineering, family influences, high school experiences, a Catholic religious preference and no religious preference were all related to achievement. The implications of these findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.
