Date of Award


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Degree Name

Doctorate in Education



School or College

School of Education

First Advisor

Mary McCullough

Second Advisor

Kenzo Sung

Third Advisor

Michael Santa Maria


This qualitative study examined the decision-making processes among principals of parish-based Catholic elementary schools in low-income communities within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, against the backdrop of a decentralized governance structure and increased financial pressures intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was grounded in a conceptual framework derived from contingency theories of leadership and decision-making research and investigated three areas: (1) the principals’ decision-making processes, (2) the situational factors influencing these processes, and (3) the pandemic’s impact on their decision-making processes. The findings revealed dynamic integration of cognitive, social, and procedural processes, rooted in faith and community collaboration. The principal participants demonstrated a keen awareness of their schools’ financial limitations and a strong dedication to their communities’ needs. The study also highlighted the dual nature of decentralization and subsidiarity, presenting both the challenges in principal-pastor relationships and support through relationships with diocesan teams.
