Date of Award


Access Restriction


Degree Name

Doctorate in Education



School or College

School of Education

First Advisor

Ernesto Colín

Second Advisor

Maryann Krikorian

Third Advisor

Vanessa Anthony-Stevens


In K-12 education, student voice is not often considered when establishing curriculum, addressing school policy, or creating a climate that reflects culturally inclusive teaching practices. Across education systems serving Indigenous communities within the United States, the voices of youth as a form of contribution are silenced, which echoes further attempts towards the erasure of the existence of these communities. The context of the study highlighted various strengths through their traditions, languages, and cultural teachings. While Indigenous communities exist globally, this study centered on Indigenous communities from the North American continent, specifically those Native to the Hawaiian Islands. To learn about the lived experiences of Indigenous youth’s strengths embedded in cultural assets, the following research questions guided this qualitative study: 1) What wisdom and cultural practices do Indigenous youth carry with them into schools? and 2) In what ways can educators support youth voice through culturally sustaining and revitalizing pedagogical practices? This research leveraged Yosso’s (2005) Community Cultural Wealth framework and McCarty and Leeʻs (2014) Culturally Sustaining and Revitalizing Pedagogy to highlight diverse forms of capital embedded within Indigenous youth. Analysis revealed significant themes related to various forms of cultural wisdom and knowledge in that embody the circle of reciprocity, community, Indigenous forms of artistry, and advocacy. Recommendations for integrating culturally sustainable and revitalizing pedagogical practices are provided for school administrators and educators.
