Date of Award
Access Restriction
Research Projects
Degree Name
Master of Arts
School or College
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
First Advisor
Brett Hoover
Unfortunately, when people hear the term Evangelical, they think of the current caricature of the white Evangelical Christian, standing firmly on the far right of the nation’s political spectrum, representing the 80% of those who voted for Donald Trump, and still defending MAGA and Christian Nationalism. There are many justice-minded Evangelicals, however, who, whether they still utilize the term Evangelical or not, have been struggling to hold onto their faith, as well as discern and act wisely. Many are seeking spaces of soul care, particularly related to questions of faith and justice, and Spiritual Direction serves as an important contemplative space for honest emotions, questions, and discernment. Many of these individuals are Christians of Color whose wisdom and insights have been severely underappreciated or outright rejected. Others are white Christians who face exhaustion as the lonely voices seeking justice in their Christian organizations. The pastoral challenge is that those who seek Spiritual Direction from this socially conscious demographic often show up under high stress and with deep wounds, making it especially complex for the Director to respond carefully and thoughtfully. This pastoral synthesis project examines the historical roots of this problem in Evangelicalism, offers theological foundations for pastoral care, and proposes 9 practices for Spiritual Direction with justice-minded Evangelical and Ex-vangelical Christians. These include: Trust-Building; Breathwork; Therapeutic Support; Narrative Re-Telling; Imaginative Prayer; Discernment; Lament; Claiming Cultural Wisdom; and Recognizing Consolation and Desolation.
Recommended Citation
Romero, Erica, "A Space for Healing: Spiritual Direction with Justice-Minded Evangelicals and Ex-vangelicals" (2024). LMU/LLS Theses and Dissertations. 1318.