Date of Award

Spring April 2015

Access Restriction

Campus Access only Research Projects

Degree Name

Master of Arts



School or College

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

First Advisor

Brett C. Hoover


A lack of understanding and praxis of mission among middle-class Catholics serving on various advisory boards and councils is a pastoral issue in the local Church. These Catholics make important decisions affecting others without enough consideration for the human and faith aspects of matters. In response to this issue, I argue that re-envisioning the praxis of mission calls us to encounter Christ in others. This study presents the surrounding social contexts including: demographics, gentrification, privilege, and tolerance. By examining key theological thoughts, I provide a framework for realizing the praxis of mission in our daily lives. Reflecting on the Catholic understandings of the common good and imago Dei helps lead to the practice of solidarity and the preferential option for the poor. All of which is required for building and proclaiming the Kingdom of God today. By “going out” to encounter others we model mission in movement as Christ exemplified and Pope Francis reminds us. The study concludes with the proposal of a mission formation program to address this pastoral issue with the hope that the praxis of mission will continually transform the decisions and lives of all humanity.
