Date of Award
May 2017
Access Restriction
Research Projects
Degree Name
Master of Arts
Marital and Family Therapy
School or College
College of Communication and Fine Arts
First Advisor
Einat Metzl
BAAAMM was born in April 2016, when a group of six creative researcher-artists came together to investigate cultural identity through art making. Through searching, reaching, and wrestling, the group developed creative experiential processes by which to discover and communicate cultural identity through art and language. Over a few weeks, the creative researcher-artists generated a body of work expressing their unique cultural identities and felt responses to one another. This diverse collaborative wants to share their work to stimulate others to enter the realm of creativity, vulnerability, and receptivity to understand themselves better.
BAAAMM is an exploratory cultural happening exhibiting individual and collective creative findings.
BAAAMM is a collaborative endeavor to understand, communicate, and connect oneself to others.
BAAAMM is a multicultural work of progress.
This Jagazine (journal and magazine) chronicles the seven phases of BAAAMM's research. It provides brief biographies of the creative researcher-artist and captures our extended findings, additional art and written work inspired by the investigation.
This Jagazine is part of our original research project in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Art at Loyola Marymount University within the Department of Martial and Family Therapy. This jagazine will be presented at the American Art Therapy Association Annual Conference on November 9, 2017.
Warning! This dynamic research is not for the faint of heart. It tests boundaries, schema, nerves, and feelings. Those who passionately search for opportunities to express themselves artistically and verbally, disagree, negotiate, be called out, humble, connected to others, and be heard may find that this cultural identity research framework stimulates growth and gratification.
Recommended Citation
Miller, Angela R.; Thomas, Alice Mary; Rivera, Melissa; Pfaff, Brooke A.; Zuanic, Ana; and Esquivel, Monica, "BAAAMM" (2017). LMU/LLS Theses and Dissertations. 312.