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Research Projects
Degree Name
Master of Arts
Marital and Family Therapy
School or College
College of Communication and Fine Arts
First Advisor
Einat Metzl
This research explores the experience of stigma and its effect on identity formation in young adults who suffer from chronic mental illness. Data was gathered in the form of personal narratives and art-making through a a semi-structured, qualitative focus group. It was categorized and coded in order to better understand the experience of both public and internalized stigma in relation to the developmental milestones that characterize the important transition from adolescence to adulthood. Analysis of the data resulted in the emergence of three overarching themes: 1) The challenges of coping with a stigmatizing system, 2) Internalized stigma as it relates to the formation of adult identity, and 3) The use of art to combat stigma and facilitate self-discovery. These themes were examined against existing literature pertaining to the stigma of mental illness, identity formation in young adults, and the use of art to combat stigma and promote healthy identity. The findings of this research emphasize the insidious nature of stigma and ofer support for the ability of art-based programs to empower young adults who face the challenges of mental illness.
Recommended Citation
Blackstone, Kerri Lynn, "Stigma and Identity Formation in Young Adults with Chronic Mental Illness: An Exploration through Personal Narrative and Art-Making" (2013). LMU/LLS Theses and Dissertations. 32.