Date of Award

Spring 2007

Access Restriction

Campus Access only Research Projects

Degree Name

Dual Degree in Master of Science & Master of Business Administration


Systems Engineering and Leadership Program

School or College

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Bohdan W. Oppenheim


Risk Management and, more specifically, risk "abuse" in aerospace programs are examined. The value of each risk item considered in a program is directly linked to the ability to reduce wasted effort and time.

The working hypothesis of this thesis is that not all risk items are formally reported and/or followed through the formal risk process. It is also believed that risk levels are often under or overestimated. This results in an improper monitoring of the health of the program, and potential hidden costs to the customer. Corrective actions are recommended.

This study has been performed as a part of a larger effort conducted by the Lean Aerospace Initiative. The present student studied risk abuse at a large aerospace company and teamed with a PhD candidate from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) who studied Risk Management in the Enterprise Organization.
