Date of Award

Spring April 2016

Access Restriction

Campus Access only Research Projects

Degree Name

Master of Science


Systems Engineering

School or College

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Arnold Galloway


Food waste is a major problem in several countries, especially in Saudi Arabia. Of the total amount, 15 million tons of waste are generated annually in the country which gets transported to landfills; a total of 45% is organic or food waste. A study was conducted and using system engineering approach potential solutions were explored to reduce food waste and transport of same to landfills. System requirements were laid down and stakeholder involvement noted during the course of the study. Based on this background information, three solutions were proposed and calibrated against different measures of effectiveness. After performing a benefit -risk analysis, a combination of these three solutions was selected as the final recommended solution. The final recommended solution included the used composting facilities, and waste-to-energy generation plants that have the potential to produce useful by-products. The solution also included the use of targeted and nationwide public awareness media campaigns to create awareness at different levels. The recommended solution was then analyzed using a variety of systems engineering techniques to assess the relationship between different steps and stakeholders. The solution was also analyzed with respect to potential risks and heuristics. A verification of system requirements, lessons learned, ethical concerns and solutions are also presented as part of the study.

LamyaAlharbi_Systems_Presentation_2016.pdf (12317 kB)
Oral Presentation
