Date of Award

Summer July 2012

Access Restriction

Campus Access only Research Projects

Degree Name

Master of Science


Systems Engineering

School or College

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Arnold Galloway


For every space program, millions of dollars are wasted developing and redeveloping spacecraft qualified components unique to each program. This project attempted to reduce this redevelopment waste by developing a robust set of environmental requirements that can be used as part of a larger reuse/ standardization effort to develop and space-qualify components that can be used on multiple launch vehicles and for multiple missions. A survey approach was used to compare lift-off and ascent environments readily available through launch vehicle payload planner's guides and developing maximum enveloping environmental requirements that would provide design-to guidelines to spacecraft and component designers. This approach follows the model of a similar, successful approach used to develop standardize propulsion piece-parts and components. This effort is only a small part of an equivalent effort as similar approaches must be undertaken for other types of requirements such as Performance, Product and Mission Assurance, Integration and Test and Interface requirements in order to truly develop a re-usable space-qualified component.

LuisAguilera_Systems_Presentation_2012.pdf (11365 kB)
Oral Presentation
