Date of Award

Spring 2015

Access Restriction

Campus Access only Research Projects

Degree Name

Master of Science


Systems Engineering

School or College

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Frederick Brown


The education system in Saudi Arabia has been booming in the last decade with the King's support along with several large corporations backing the interest of pouring exorbitant amounts of funds into the system. With this momentum many more students who graduate high school now are encouraged to attend a university for opportunities in finding better earning jobs. Currently universities handle these applicants individually hiring and operating their own admissions committees, which is not only a time consuming process but extremely costly. Applicants too are spending a significant amount of time filling out each application to these universities despite being asked almost exactly the same information, and even more time having to decide between universities they are admitted to. The Centralized Admissions System (CAS) aims to eliminate this wasted time and effort both from the position of an applicant and university administrator.

AymanAlyoubi_Systems_Presentation_2015.pdf (21179 kB)
Oral Presentation
