Date of Award

Spring 2007

Access Restriction

Campus Access only Research Projects

Degree Name

Master of Science


Systems Engineering

School or College

Seaver College of Science and Engineering


Over the last few decades, the computer has become a powerful modem convenience. Its uses range from simple word processing to sophisticated programming device. With the explosion of Internet usage, it has become advantageous for organizations to share information or allow outsiders to access their data. Unfortunately, crime follows. Conspiracies, data thefts, security frauds, corporate espionages, etc. are on the rise. Research has shown that information systems without any security protection are extremely vulnerable. My personal work experience also has shown it is expensive to build security into an information system after it has been deployed. In this report, the reviewer is introduced to the concept of Information Assurance (IA), the role of Systems Engineering (SE) in Information System development, the importance of combining SE with Information Systems Security Engineering (ISSE), and finally, the suggested parallel SE & ISSE activities during the development of an information system.

RosalyLam_Systems_Presentation_2007.pdf (5508 kB)
Oral Presentation
