"A Case Exploration of Art Therapy from Three Theoretical Perspectives " by Kristen Dara Wright

Date of Award

Spring May 2011

Access Restriction

Campus Access only Research Projects

Degree Name

Master of Arts


Marital and Family Therapy

School or College

College of Communication and Fine Arts


This case study was conducted with a single elementary student from a non-public school setting with the use of art therapy as a treatment modality. The research explores case material through three different theoretical lenses. Three theories chosen were cognitive behavioral theory, psychodynamic theory, and narrative theory. Four questions were formed from each of the three theories to process the data. During the analysis, it was discovered that the three theories were consistently informing and integrating with each other. The integration demonstrated the potential for the theories to work together. Each theory’s perspective and emphasis was different and the perspectives were enhanced through the integration process. The final theoretical perspectives are explained in the findings.
