Date of Award

Spring 2020

Access Restriction

Research Projects

Degree Name

Master of Arts


Marital and Family Therapy

School or College

College of Communication and Fine Arts

First Advisor

Anthony Bodlović

Second Advisor

Louvenia Jackson


There has been a lack of training and implementation of cultural humility in the helping professions. Clinician’s awareness of their own biases, assumptions, and cultural identities is critical when working with individuals who each have their own array of cultural identities. The following research examined the efficacy of cultural humility art-based training courses through surveys and examining the art experiential activity that was provided. The purpose of this research was to determine whether cultural humility art-based training would effectively increase mental health practitioners’ comfort, ability, and confidence in addressing culturally sensitive issues in their clinical work. The training focused on introducing the tenets of cultural humility with art directives to help participants reflect on their cultural identity. 47 Participants completed surveys that were analyzed in addition to their art in order to gain qualitative data. The data suggests that cultural humility art-based training effectively increased participant’s comfort, ability, and confidence in practicing cultural humility in their work with clients/patients and colleagues. More training and research are needed to generalize findings and determine their longevity.
