
Works from 2020

“Expect to See Indians: Native Americans and Indigenous Peoples in Modern America”, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Theodor P. Gordon, Cahuilla Nation Activism and the Tribal Casino Movement, Nicolas Rosenthal


Indigenizing Urban Landscapes: Northwest Coast Artists and Cities in the Late Twentieth Century, Nicolas G. Rosenthal

Works from 2019

Review of Chantal Norrgard, Seasons of Change: Labor, Treaty Rights, and Ojibwe Nationhood, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Daniel H. Usner, American Indians in Early New Orleans: From Calumet to Racuette, Nicolas Rosenthal

Works from 2018


Painting Native America in Public: American Indian Artists and the New Deal, Nicolas G. Rosenthal


Representing Native Peoples: Native Narratives of Indigenous History and Culture, Nicolas G. Rosenthal


Rewriting the Narrative: American Indian Artists in California, 1960-1980s, Nicolas G. Rosenthal

Works from 2017

Review of Dominque Brégent-Heald, Borderland Films: American Cinema, Mexico, and Canada during the Progressive Era, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Paul R. McKenzie-Jones, Clyde Warrior: Tradition, Community, and Red Power, Nicolas Rosenthal


Financing Market-Oriented Reforestation: Securitization of Timberlands and Shareholding Practices in Southwest China, 1750-1900, Meng Zhang


Timber Trade Organizations in Shanghai: Institutions, Enforcement, and Dispute Resolution, 1880–1930, Meng Zhang

Works from 2016

Review of Benjamin Madley, An American Genocide: the United States and the American Indian Catastrophe, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of George Hardwood Phillips, Chiefs and Challengers: Resistance and Cooperation in Southern California, 1769-1906, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Gregory D. Smithers and Brooke N. Newman, eds., Native Diasporas: Indigenous Identities and Settler Colonialism in the Americas, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Peter Nabokov, How the World Moves: the Odyssey of an American Indian Family, Nicolas Rosenthal


This is Indian Country, Nicolas G. Rosenthal

Works from 2015

Review of Frederick E. Hoxie, This Indian Country: American Indian Activists and the Place They Made, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of James Clifford, Returns: Becoming Indigenous in the Twenty-First Century, Nicolas Rosenthal


Native Americans and Cities, Nicolas G. Rosenthal

Works from 2014

Review of Donald L. Fixico, Call for Change: The Medicine Way of American Indian History, Ethos, & Reality, Nicolas Rosenthal

Works from 2013

Review of Josh Sides, ed., Post-Ghetto: Reimagining South Los Angeles, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Myla Vicenti Carpio, Indigenous Albuquerque, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Sherry L. Smith and Brian Frehner, eds., Indians & Energy: Exploitation and Opportunity in the American Southwest, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Sherry L. Smith, Hippies, Indians, and the Fight for Red Power, Nicolas Rosenthal

Works from 2012

Review of Stephen Kent Amerman, Urban Indians in Phoenix Schools, 1940-2000, Nicolas Rosenthal

Works from 2011

Review of George Blue Spruce Jr., Searching for My Destiny, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Tom Sitton, Grand Ventures: The Banning Family and the Shaping of Southern California, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Troy R. Johnson, The American Indian Occupation of Alcatraz Island: Red Power and Self-Determination, Nicolas Rosenthal

Works from 2010

Review of Daniel M. Cobb, Native Activism in Cold War America: The Struggle for Sovereignty, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Jeremiah B.C. Axelrod, Inventing Autopia: Dreams and Visions of the Modern Metropolis in Jazz Age Los Angeles, Nicolas Rosenthal

Works from 2009

Review of Albert L. Hurtado, ed., Reflections on American Indian History: Honoring the Past, Building a Future, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Al Carrol, Medicine Bags and Dog Tags: American Indian Veterans from Colonial Times to the Second Iraq War, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Coll Thrush, Native Seattle: Histories from the Crossing-Over Place, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Renya K. Ramirez, Native Hubs: Culture, Community, and Belonging in Silicon Valley and Beyond, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Sebastian Felix Braun, Buffalo Inc.: American Indians and Economic Development, Nicolas Rosenthal

Works from 2008

“At the Center of Indian Country: Native Americans and California in the Twentieth Century”, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of George Castile Taking Charge: Native American Self-Determination and Federal Indian Policy, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Lawney L. Reyes, Bernie Whitebear: An Urban Indian's Quest for Justice, Nicolas Rosenthal

Works from 2007

“Native Americans in Cities”, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Steven P. Erie, Beyond Chinatown: The Metropolitan Water District, Growth, And the Environment in Southern California, Nicolas Rosenthal

Works from 2006

“American Indian Day”, Nicolas Rosenthal

“Native Americans,” “Seizure of Alcatraz,” and “Indian Gaming”, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Renée Ann Cramer, Cash, Color, and Colonialism: The Politics of Tribal Acknowledgement, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Sierra S. Adare, “Indian” Stereotypes in TV Science Fiction: First Nations’ Voices Speak Out, Nicolas Rosenthal


Beyond the New Indian History: Recent Trends in the Historiography on the Native Peoples of North America, Nicolas G. Rosenthal