Presenter Information

Lydia ZickerFollow

Start Date

11-12-2019 10:00 AM


While transracial adoption remains a controversial practice in the United States because of the effect it has on identity development for adopted children of color, virtually no research has been done to measure how transracial adoption impacts non-adopted siblings. In my survey study, I plan to sample from non-adopted white children in order to investigate whether having an adopted black sibling increases the likelihood that a non-adopted white sibling will become a racial justice ally, in contrast to non-adopted white children with white adopted siblings. Through this research, I hope to contribute to the existing body of literature on transracial adoption as well as research on how inclusion of other in self impacts racial attitudes and the development of racial justice allies in non-adopted white siblings.


Mentor: Adam Fingerhut

Click below to download individual papers.

  • Zicker.ResearchProposalDraft.HNRS2000.docx (45 kB)
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    Dec 11th, 10:00 AM

    The Impact of Transracial Adoption on Racial Justice Ally Development in Non-Adopted White Siblings

    While transracial adoption remains a controversial practice in the United States because of the effect it has on identity development for adopted children of color, virtually no research has been done to measure how transracial adoption impacts non-adopted siblings. In my survey study, I plan to sample from non-adopted white children in order to investigate whether having an adopted black sibling increases the likelihood that a non-adopted white sibling will become a racial justice ally, in contrast to non-adopted white children with white adopted siblings. Through this research, I hope to contribute to the existing body of literature on transracial adoption as well as research on how inclusion of other in self impacts racial attitudes and the development of racial justice allies in non-adopted white siblings.