Digital Commons at Loyola Marymount University and Loyola Law School - Research & Exhibition: Explaining Vietnam in "Da 5 Bloods" to Globalize Antiracism and Improve Activist Storytelling

Presenter Information

Tam Pham (Asa)Follow

Event Website

Start Date

17-12-2021 9:40 AM


This research critiques the misrepresentation of Vietnamese people in the Vietnam War film Da 5 Bloods (2020) and deconstructs the filmmaking process leading to it. I will identify and resolve ideological limits in the filmmakers as well as external challenges in production that constitute this false African-American fictionalization of another minority outside the United States. In doing so, I reject a hasty inclusivity that misunderstands different experiences with racial oppression and emphasize the efficiency of a respectful identification with injustice among different minorities worldwide. By advocating for a decentering of the American trajectory of antiracism and refocusing on non-American ones, I also hope to inspire a more critical and less reliant consumption of predominant cultural sources about the Vietnam War within the United States. My outline for a new screenplay that moves away from the flawed racial dynamics in Da 5 Bloods will exemplify how the antiracist theme can be globalized with a more responsible narrative voice, informed by more than one perspective.


Mentor: Miranda Banks

Click below to download individual papers.

  • Tam Pham (Asa) - Final Proposal.pdf (193 kB)
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    Dec 17th, 9:40 AM

    Explaining Vietnam in "Da 5 Bloods" to Globalize Antiracism and Improve Activist Storytelling

    This research critiques the misrepresentation of Vietnamese people in the Vietnam War film Da 5 Bloods (2020) and deconstructs the filmmaking process leading to it. I will identify and resolve ideological limits in the filmmakers as well as external challenges in production that constitute this false African-American fictionalization of another minority outside the United States. In doing so, I reject a hasty inclusivity that misunderstands different experiences with racial oppression and emphasize the efficiency of a respectful identification with injustice among different minorities worldwide. By advocating for a decentering of the American trajectory of antiracism and refocusing on non-American ones, I also hope to inspire a more critical and less reliant consumption of predominant cultural sources about the Vietnam War within the United States. My outline for a new screenplay that moves away from the flawed racial dynamics in Da 5 Bloods will exemplify how the antiracist theme can be globalized with a more responsible narrative voice, informed by more than one perspective.