"Water Supply Dam and Pipeline" by Morgan Anderson, Nimai Alicer et al.

Date of Completion


Degree Type

Honors Thesis - Campus Access


Civil Engineering (CIVL)

First Advisor

Joseph Reichenberger


The purpose of the project is to supply water to the Crafton Hills and Banning Pass Water Districts via the design of a conveyance pipeline to deliver 25% more than the annual yield. A reservoir was designed to deliver the annual yield during a critical 10-year dry period and a dam was designed to impound this reservoir. The location of the dam is to be nearly on top of the Mill Creek United States Geological Survey (USGS) gauge in Yucaipa, CA. An initial hydrology study was completed using the recorded gauge data from Mill Creek and adjacent watersheds to determine reservoir yield and storage volume. Watershed characteristics were used to determine rainfall due to a maximum probable storm event for the design of subsequent dam features such as the spillway which must be capable of passing that flow. An all-gravity design, following roads to the two connections, was chosen for the routing of the conveyance pipeline. The dam embankment design was modeled after a nearby project, the Seven Oaks dam, due to similar location, soil characteristics, and seismic risk, but adjustments were incorporated into the design to account for factors such as increased seismic risk at the project site. Features such as the outlet works, diversion works, and roadway rerouting were also designed to fulfill the needs of the construction of the project. An environmental impact CEQA report was completed and a cost analysis was also performed to determine the total project cost and annualized price of the reservoir water.
