Date of Completion


Degree Type

Honors Thesis


Business Administration (BADM)

First Advisor

Scott Delanty


A 15-hour flight and 7,500 miles of water separate these two countries, but innovative ideologies and opportunities unite them. Combined, the investment relationship between the US and Australia is worth more than $1.14 trillion USD, about the size of Australia’s entire GDP. It positions the United States as Australia’s largest foreign direct investor. These two major players in the Asia Pacific Economy have forged an alliance that champions democracy and fortitude.

COVID-19, however, interrupted many investment opportunities across the Pacific. Both countries had to impose border restrictions and put many business processes on hold, forcing governments and industry alike to explore critical pathways toward recovery. This study examines how the dynamic investment relationship between the United States and Australia will spring forward following COVID-19, and what industries could most stimulate robust innovation in collaboration.

The intent of this paper is to transform research on U.S.-Australia relationships into innovative and actionable strategies for many timely opportunities, including critical minerals, energy, health, technology, defense, security and social/political/economic advances.
