Volume 12, Number 1 (1989) International Business Law Conference: Investment and Trade with the People's Republic of China
John McDermott
Opening Address
Ma Yuzhen
Introduction: Import and Export with China
John McDermott
Export to China: Legal and Extra-Legal Aspects
Yougang Xiao
Import Relief on Imports from the People's Republic of China
Susan W. Liebeler
Introduction: Investing in China
Curt Garbesi
Foreign-Direct Investment from a Western Perspective
Kevin Hobgood-Brown
Introduction: Doing Business in Hong Kong: The Gateway to China
Frankie Fook-Lun Leung
Hong Kong's Transition: Some Noticeable Changes
Frankie Fook-Lun Leung
Hong Kong's Role after 1997
Jack Chan
Introduction: Technological Transfer and Protection of Intellectual Property in China
Lionel S. Sobel
Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in China
Zhou Chuanjie
Practical Aspects of Technological Transfer in China
Theodore W. Wu
Fora for the Resolution of International Business Disputes When Doing Business with the People's Republic of China
Daniel M. Kolkey
The Survey of Methods for the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and Foreign Arbitral Awards in the Asia-Pacific Region
John McDermott
Performance Obligations of the Aggrieved Contractant: The French Experience
Edward A. Tomlinson
Revising the Minimum Wage for the 1990s
Christine Neylon O'Brien
Notes and Comments
Just Say No! United States Options to Extradition to the North of Ireland's Diplock Court System
Guy Casey Iversen