Volume 16, Number 2 (1994) Symposium—Mexican Elections, Human Rights, and International Law: Opposition Views
A Case Study of Elections in the State of Michoacan on July 12, 1992
Cynthia Anderson-Barker
Perspetive from the Left: Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD)
Samuel Ignacio del Villar Kretchmar
Panelists' Comments on the Presentation by Javier Livas and Samuel del Villar
David Ayon, Ellen Lutz, and Magdaleno Rose-Avila
Technology Transfers to China: An Outline of Chinese Law
Paul B. Birden Jr.
Procedure for the Protection of Civil Aircraft in Flight
Sompong Sucharitkul
Notes and Comments
On Your Mark, Get Set, Stop! Drug-Testing Appeals in the International Amateur Athletic Federation
Hilary Joy Hatch
Protection of U.S. Patent Rights in Developing Countries: U.S. Efforts to Enforce Pharmaceutical Patents in Thailand
Stefan Kirchanski