Mini-workshop: Survey Design

Start Date

19-11-2024 9:15 AM

End Date

19-11-2024 10:15 AM


Watch Christine Chavez transform a survey from bad to good, in real time. In this session Ms. Chavez will address the principles of good survey design while she revises a survey, showing how you can make simple changes in your own surveys to improve the reliability of responses and make sure you capture the data you need.

All attendees will receive survey design resources that you can use when designing your own future surveys.

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Nov 19th, 9:15 AM Nov 19th, 10:15 AM

Mini-workshop: Survey Design

Watch Christine Chavez transform a survey from bad to good, in real time. In this session Ms. Chavez will address the principles of good survey design while she revises a survey, showing how you can make simple changes in your own surveys to improve the reliability of responses and make sure you capture the data you need.

All attendees will receive survey design resources that you can use when designing your own future surveys.