Document Type

Conference Presentation

Publication Date



The Human Library® is an event designed to create a safe and brave space for individuals to discover and share social identities and perspectives unfamiliar to their lived experience. The DiMenna-Nyselius Library at Fairfield University, Loyola University Libraries at Loyola University Chicago, and William H. Hannon Library at Loyola Marymount University each hosts a unique version of the Human Library event. In this poster, the authors give a brief overview of the Human Library and outline how they orchestrate meaningful dialogue on campus: starting with planning and collaborations with campus partners; facilitating individuals to connect at the event to hear each other’s personal stories to break down stereotypes and prejudice; and then wrapping up the experience with an opportunity for reflection (i.e. assessment). It will also illustrate how the event is especially relevant for a Jesuit academic community, emphasizing the value of Cura Personalis for all participants as well as providing a potential framework for beginning conversations on social justice.


Video presentation available at

Original Publication Citation

Alvarado, A., Ghilardi, B., Jackson, J., Thornel, L. & Wardzala, S. (2021). "Creating Spaces for Meaningful Dialogue: The Human Library at Three Universities." A virtual poster presented at the AJCU Justice in Higher Education Conference, June 2021.
