Her Eyes Were Green

Document Type

Book Chapter

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Intimate relationships are the beating heart of Blade Runner 2049. This chapter explores the intimate relationships in Blade Runner 2049—especially romance, sex, and love. It treats them as a more or less distinct kind of relationship, activity, and emotion, respectively, in an attempt to lay bare the beating heart of Blade Runner 2049. The most fleshed out (so to speak) romance in Blade Runner 2049 is between K and Joi—an artificial intelligence enhanced with a holographic avatar, marketed as a customisable digital companion. We like to think that our romantic partners choose to consort with us because they recognise, value, and are attracted to some personal characteristics that set us apart from others. Yet one wonders whether Joi’s behaviour toward K is just a feature of her programming. K and Joi share empathic love that is no doubt related to, yet arguably is distinct from, their romantic attraction to one another.
