
Document Type

Research Article - Refereed

Special Issue

Post-Pandemic World


This study examines challenges faced by subsistence women entrepreneurs during COVID-19, the crisis of 2020, and their resilience in addressing the circumstances. The results of qualitative interviews with 13 subsistence marketplace women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh are presented in this article. In the current study, two themes are found to best capture the experiences and resilience of women business owners in the subsistence marketplaces. Furthermore, the study provides important insights from informant interviews, showing how women business owners navigate their operations during a pandemic. It highlights attributes such as relational strength and faith in a higher power that contribute to their adaptability amid COVID-19. The study presents a conceptual model that integrates the identified themes, using the findings to enhance and contribute to existing theoretical frameworks. The implications derived from these findings relate to how various sectors of society can facilitate business opportunities for women-led enterprises during crises.
