Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, and Urban Design
Editor's Introduction
Urban Biodiversity, Ecosystems and Well-being
Haripriya Gundimeda
Special Topic Articles: Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, and Urban Design
Eco-system Complementarities and Urban Encroachment: A SWOT Analysis of the East Kolkata Wetlands, India
Sarmila Banerjee and Debanjana Dey
Assessing the Dependence of an Urban System in Japan on Forest Ecosystem Services: A Case Study
Takanori Matsui, Tetsuro Takebata, Takuma Toyoda, Robert Shaw, and Takashi Machimura
Recommendations for Urban Biodiversity Conservation in the Context of Landscape Preference in Singapore
Yu Ting Joanne Khew and Makoto Yokohari
'Greening' the Buildings - An Analysis of Barriers to Adoption in India
Pleasa Serin Abraham and Haripriya Gundimeda
Characterization and Visualization of Spatial Patterns of Urbanisation and Sprawl through Metrics and Modeling
Bharath H. Aithal, Vinay Shivamurthy, and T. V. Ramachandra
Strengthening Wellbeing in Urban Communities Through Wildlife Gardening
Laura M. Mumaw, Cecily Maller, and Sarah Bekessy
Exploring Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Urban Growth Scenarios for Metropolitan Boston (USA): The Relationship Between Urban Trees and Perceived Density
Chingwen Cheng, Robert L. Ryan, Paige S. Warren, and Craig Nicolson
Quantification of areal extent of soil erosion in dryland urban areas: an example from Windhoek, Namibia
Rosemary Shikangalah, Eva Paton, Florian Jetlsch, and Niels Blaum
Gardening for Wildlife: Tree canopy and small-scale planting influences on arthropod and bird abundance
Marion Dresner and Andrew Moldenke