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Findings from a 3-year (2006-2009) evaluation of the PROMISE Model pilot are presented in this policy brief that seeks to address three questions: 1) What is the PROMISE Model ?; 2) What changes occurred in schools as a results of implementing the PROMISE Model ?; and 3) What are the lessons learned from the PROMISE Model pilot that can contribute to an understanding of school reform for English Learners? A qualitative, ethnographic approach allowed for exploration of the research questions. The researcher identified five foundational elements to the PROMISE Model. Implementation of the PROMISE Model increased use of EL specific research-based approaches to student grouping, placement, instruction, school structures, curriculum choices, program design and practices in addition to more knowledgeable and advocacy-oriented leaders and distributive leadership. The brief presents five lessons learned that contribute to a deeper understanding of the impact of a school reform model on English Learners. Two policy recommendations include: 1) broadly disseminate research on effective EL education and provide an infrastructure of support with EL expertise; and 2) adopt the PROMISE Model or components of the model as a viable school improvement strategy.

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Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Education | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Educational Leadership | Teacher Education and Professional Development

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Olsen, L. (2011). The PROMISE model: An English-learner focused approach to school reform [Education and Policy Brief No.3]. Loyola Marymount University Center for Equity for English Learners. 10.15365/ceel.policy.3

No.3, January 2011: The PROMISE Model: An English-Learner Focused Approach to School Reform
