
Works from 2023


Affordances and Information Systems Research: Taking Stock and Moving Forward, Mostafa Mesgari, Kaveh Mohajeri, and Bijan Azad


The Joint Effects of Smart Tracking Technology, Mobile IT, and Electronic Health Record, Youyou Tao, Ruilin Zhu, and Dezhi Wu


Uncovering the Landscape of Privacy Concern Research from 2011 to 2020: A Bibliometrics Study, Ruilin Zhu, Youyou Tao, and Ace Vo

Works from 2022


Conflating Relevance with Practical Significance and Other Issues: Commentary on Sen, Smith, and Van Note’s “Statistical Significance Versus Practical Importance in Information Systems Research”, Kaveh Mohajeri, Mostafa Mesgari, and Allen S. Lee

Works from 2020


Undergraduate Learning Outcomes for Achieving Data Acumen, Anna Bargagliotti, Karen Huchting, Wendy J. Binder, Lance Blakesley, Maire B. Ford, Zaki Eusufzai, Ben G. Fitzpatrick, Suzanne Larson, Natasha Miric, Robert Rovetti, Kala Seal, and Thomas Zachariah

Works from 2019


Critical Review of Organization-Technology Sensemaking: Towards Technology Materiality, Discovery and Action, Mostafa Mesgari and Chitu Okoli


Creating Rich and Representative Personas by Discovering Affordances, Mostafa Mesgari, Chitu Okoli, and Ana Ortiz de Guinea